Why Are Dogs Given Up?

Top 10 Reasons for Relinquishment*


  1. Moving (7%)
  2. Landlord not allowing pet (6%)
  3. Too many animals in household (4%)
  4. Cost of pet maintenance (5%)
  5. Owner having personal problems (4%)
  6. Inadequate facilities (4%)
  7. No homes available for litter mates (3%)
  8. Having no time for pet (4%)
  9. Pet illness(es) (4%)
  10. Biting (3%)


  1. Moving (8%)
  2. Landlord not allowing pet (6%)
  3. Too many animals in household (11%)
  4. Cost of pet maintenance (6%)
  5. Owner having personal problems (4%)
  6. Inadequate facilities (2%)
  7. No homes available for litter mates (6%)
  8. Allergies in family (8%)
  9. House soiling (5%)
  10. Incompatibility with other pets (2%)

Specially trained researchers completed confidential individual interviews with pet owners who were relinquishing their dogs or cats to animal shelters. Pet owners were allowed to give up to five reasons for relinquishment. Interviewers did not, however, prioritize the responses. They simply recorded them in the order stated.

Characteristics of Pets Being Relinquished
In addition to the reasons for relinquishment, the study collected data on the pets being relinquished. According to the study:

  • The majority of the surrendered dogs (47.7%) and cats (40.3%) were between 5 months and 3 years of age.
  • The majority of dogs (37.1%) and cats (30.2) had been owned from 7 months to 1 year.
  • Approximately half of the pets (42.8% of dogs; 50.8% of cats) surrendered were not neutered. Many of the pets relinquished (33% of dogs; 46.9% of cats) had not been to a veterinarian.
  • Animals acquired from friends were relinquished in higher numbers (31.4% of dogs; 33.2% of cats) than from any other source.
  • Close to equal numbers of male and female dogs and cats were surrendered.
  • Most dogs (96%) had not received any obedience training.

Characteristics of Pet Owners Surrendering Pets
During the confidential interviews, researchers also gathered data on the people surrendering the pets. “Owners represented a broad range of age, ethnicity, education, and income level, indicating continued efforts will need to reach wide and far into communities across the country,” say Dr. Mo Salman, the article’s senior author.
