What to Do If Dog Is Choking?

What Causes Choking in Dogs Most Often?

In dogs, choking is most usually caused by a foreign (inedible) object being stuck in their throat and preventing them either partially or completely from breathing (medically known as dyspnea).

What Causes Choking in Dogs Most OftenThe most common objects which the dog will try to swallow are balls and toys. Dogs choke on the things that are too small to fit into their mouth, but too big to fully swallow.

How to Recognize Choking Symptoms?

If your dog is choking, he will cough constantly or try to vomit but without anything coming from his mouth. He will have difficulty breathing and swallowing. You will recognize it easily, because the dog will be in distress, frightened, disoriented; they will whine or snarl, and might even come to you expecting help.

What to Do If Dog Is Choking?

Every choking accident includes a veterinarian. There are things you can do to help your pooch on the spot by removing the objects or allowing them to breathe, but even if you manage to do that, your pet will need a check-up with a professional afterward.

If you notice that your dog is choking – limit their movements. Choking is a frightening experience and the dog will try to take the object out by rubbing their head against the walls and floor, or by stretching their body or making mimics similar to yawning.Carefully, look into the dog’s throat to check if you can see an obstruction. If it’s not easy to spot, go gently over their mouth with your fingers – this is called “performing a finger sweep”. If you find the object, you can first try to gently sweep it toward the center to remove the object, or then try removing it