Finding the right dog  for you

At Purina, we believe in that magical bond between people and their pets, and that together we can live richer, happier lives. Our pets are more than just pets, they’re our best friends, closest confidants and family members. Owning a dog is hugely rewarding, but it’s also a big responsibility.You may be wondering which dog breed you should get, which is why we’re here to help you find a breed that suits your unique lifestyle to ensure that you can both share happy adventures together.

Matching your lifestyle with their needs

All dogs have their own unique personality, but there are some instincts and behaviours that they’re born with. If a dog’s breed is likely to be an avid noise maker, don’t let it put you off! They can learn to be quieter, it’ll just require time and kindness on your part to educate them, as being quiet may go against their nature

Cross-breeds and Mixed breeds

When thinking about which dog breed you should get, don’t discount mixed breeds! These unique breeds combine the appearance and personality of different pure breeds, however it’s more difficult to figure out which breed will take the lead when it comes to their looks and personality. Mixed breeds, also known as mongrels, cross-breeds or ‘purebred mutts’, come from a largely non-pedigree background, with an advantage of a wider genetic pool often making them healthier.Pet shelters and rescue organisations are a great source of pure breeds and mixed breeds looking for loving homes, and the shelter’s caring staff will help find the right dog for you to match your individual needs.