Important tips First Time Dog Owner

. Bring Your New Companion Home and Start Right

Your new companion will need to get used to you and how you do things in your house. Your schedule during the day changes when you have a dog. Your dog will need time to be potty trained on a schedule for your home. Generally, four times a day is good – a walk first thing in the morning, after meals, and before bed. Puppies need much more attention than an older dog.

Remember About the Essential First Vet Visits

One of the best first time dog owner tips to listen to is to take your pet to a vet for a checkup. Your vet will want information about your dog. Sometimes this isn’t possible if you get your dog from a person. It is good to have a history, whether you have a puppy or grown dog.

Puppies Are Different Than Adult Dogs in Many Ways

Taking a puppy to the vet for the first time is similar to bringing an older dog. The difference is that you may only have records of his puppy shot, or this is his exam and the start of his shots.Puppies get their shots for diseases and rabies in a schedule that your vet will give you. He will check his stool for worms as well. A healthy pup is a happy pup!

Choose Age and Health Appropriate Dog Food

When it comes to feeding your dog, and treats for good behavior, you can follow the guidelines on the bag. An adult dog is best fed twice, morning and night to avoid bloat, especially in a large breed dog. You can get suggestions from your vet or friends with dogs.

Dog Training Classes Are a Must for Most New Owners

If there are only a few first time dog owner tips that you’re going to follow, make this one of them. There are lots of puppy classes and training classes for the dog owner and his dog to look into. Puppy classes are more a socialization class made for puppies to learn how to get along with others.

Most Dogs Love to Ride in Cars, but Be Careful

Most dogs enjoy riding in cars and will happily be ready to go out the door with you, but there are still some first time dog owner tips that you’ll need to follow when taking them out for a ride. Don’t believe the commercials on TV – your dogs head should not be sticking out the window. The danger of an eye injury is a real thing.

Dogs and Kids Can Be a Good Combination

When introducing your new dog into your household, teach the kids to be respectful. They should be respectful of his space and be calm and quiet. There can be a lot of tension with you introduce a dog to your kids.