Create an Indoor Playroom for Your Dog

With-or-Without-You Dog Toys

Of course, your dog would much rather play with you, but you can’t be around him 24/7. So, design his playroom with items that allow your pup to play with you, but also without you.

Choose a variety of interactive toys, such as tugs and balls, that you and your dog can enjoy together. Remember that dogs do get bored of toys, so it’s a good idea to have several different types and rotate them, leaving only a couple out at a time. Put the spare ones in a box. You can even teach your dog to put away toys. It’s a great trick that provides excellent mental stimulation.

For when you are gone, consider treat-releasing balls and puzzle toys stuffed with treats. You could also leave your dog with a snuffle mat stuffed with a meal.

Create an Engaging Environment

If you have a dog that gets anxious when you leave, having a TV or radio on in his play area may be a good idea. You can even buy shows and music specifically designed for dogs that will occupy his brain while you are away. Another option is an interactive pet camera that lets you talk to your dog and even give him a treat when you’re not there.

Dog Gates & Indoor Dog Pens

While dedicating a whole room to a dog play area would be awesome, most of us don’t have that kind of space. Instead, use baby gates or x-pens to create a contained area for your dog when you leave. If he’s a puppy, don’t forget to put down pee pads.

Dog-Friendly Flooring

Since your dog is going to be playing, that probably means there will be some running involved. If you have hardwood floors, it’s essential to put down mats that won’t slip, so your dog won’t injure himself by skidding. Play area mats for kids are a good choice. If you want something a bit more durable, anti-fatigue mats work great, as well.

Additional Dog Supplies

After all that play, chances are your dog will need to take a snooze. Be sure to have at least one bed for him to nap on. Cuddly beds that are semi-enclosed or couch-style are favorites among many dogs.