Bee Products to Improve Your Dog’s Health
4 Best Bee Products for Dogs
(science suggests they may improve dogs’ health)
Honey for Dogs
Bees may fly for miles to get to the flowers or plants that they need. They are after the nectar which they siphon out of the flower and take with them to their hive. The bee will then regurgitate the honey into a cell like structure and cover with a waxy substance. As the liquid nectar sets and hardens it becomes the unprocessed version of the sweet, delicious and golden lava we know as honey.
Honey for Dogs
Bees may fly for miles to get to the flowers or plants that they need. They are after the nectar which they siphon out of the flower and take with them to their hive. The bee will then regurgitate the honey into a cell like structure and cover with a waxy substance. As the liquid nectar sets and hardens it becomes the unprocessed version of the sweet, delicious and golden lava we know as honey.
Pollen for Dogs
When bees land on flowers and plants to forage for nectar, the pollen from these plants will undoubtedly become entangled on the hairs, wings, legs and almost every part of the bee. The bee will then spread that pollen while hopping from one plant to another on its way back to the hive.
Beeswax for Dogs
Synonymous with hippies, do-it-yourselfers, farmer’s markets and elementary art projects, beeswax has been used by humans for hundreds of years mainly to light homes in the form of candles. In the hive, beeswax is used to seal honey in the combs and to protect larvae. It’s also one of the best bee products for dogs!
Propolis for Dogs
Perhaps the least known of the best bee products for dogs on this list, propolis is also known by its other name, bee glue. This sticky resin-like mixture is the result of mixing bee saliva with bees wax. This viscous substance is used to seal fine gaps in the hive.
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