Hang on, did your dog just wink at you? Unusual winking, blinking, rubbing, or pawing at the eyes is your pet’s way of telling you there may be something wrong. Eye infections in dogs are common and serious, and you may need to use dog eye infection treatments.

How Serious Dog Eye Infections Are?

Due to a variety of diseases and eye infections in dogs that share similar symptoms, it’s difficult to assess the seriousness of the problem before establishing which type of infection it is (3). Until you know what you are actually dealing with, you won’t know how to treat the problem, never mind how serious it is.

Symptoms of Eye Infections in Dogs

Although canine eye infections are fairly common, the symptoms are shared by many more ominous conditions. Spend a few moments each day gazing into your pet’s eyes – that way you will be able to identify any changes and treat them at the first opportunity.

General signs of eye infections in dogs could be:

  • Excessive amount of tear stains (or epiphora)
  • Abnormal discharges in your dog’s eyes
  • Tear-stained fur by the eyes
  • Newly developed extra-high sensitivity to light
  • Constant blinking, pawing, scratching at the eyes
  • Significant reddening of the eyes area and/or surrounding tissues