is a blood borne cancer of a type of white blood cell called a lymphocyte. Dogs can develop several different forms of lymphoma, with the most common presentation showing enlargement of external lymph nodes. Other manifestations include cutaneous lymphoma (skin), gastrointestinal lymphoma, and nervous system lymphoma.
Mast Cell Tumors
Mast cells, or mastocytomas, are immune cells normally involved in allergic reactions. These cells are found throughout the body; therefore, tumors can develop in any organ system.
Dogs most frequently develop mast cell tumors in their skin. The biological behavior of skin mast cell tumors is variable and best predicted their grade, which is assigned by a pathologist who examines samples of tissue from the tumor under the microscope
Osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone cancer in dogs. Tumors tend to occur in the limbs of large and giant breed dogs. Osteosarcoma tumors can spread from the bone to distant sites in the body, including the lungs, lymph nodes, and other bones. This type of cancer is painful, and amputation of the affected limb is necessary to provide relief. Dogs handle amputation well and have improved quality of life when the source of pain is removed.
Lipomas are common benign skin tumors consisting of excess fatty tissue. They grow under the skin of the trunk, axillary regions, and groin. Surgery is reserved for lipomas arising in areas of the body where growth could lead to difficulty ambulating (e.g., along a limb).
Oral Melanoma
Melanoma is one of the most common oral cancers seen in dogs. Breeds with darker pigmented gums and tongues are at increased risk for developing this form of cancer. Melanoma is locally invasive into the underlying tissue and bone of the oral cavity, and complete removal of tumors is difficult. The best outcome is achieved with an aggressive initial operation, which often requires surgery by a board-certified veterinary surgeon.
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